Skhoot Studio

Merry scribbler. Monsters rescued; knights slain.

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And just like that, it was summer

We lingered in the 50s throughout April cold, damp April showers, never once creeping into the 60s, and precious few sunny days. We’ve started seeing the promised May flowers and temperatures in the upper 80s.

Two violet blooms against a grassy backdrop.
Violets in time for Mother’s Day bouquets

Plants are starting to go into the garden spaces. We set up new planter beds up on the deck for herbs, finally replacing the smaller pots we lost in the 2020 August Derecho.

My tennis elbow persists, and it’s time to start the drastic measures. I went for a cortisone shot last week.

My doctor put me on light stretching and no repetitive activity. That takes out both knitting and crocheting, which I find inconvenient. Yarncrafting soothes the artist in my soul.

I need to schedule physical therapy again to continue working on this.

A single yellow dandelion bloom in the grass.
Or, if you’re patient, perhaps your preference is dandelions for wine.

Instead of picking up yarn and my hooks or needles, I’m using this gift of time to focus on building up my writing portfolio.

I’m also enjoying the perennials as they begin to bloom in my front garden. The early daffodils are almost gone, but the late spring daffies have taken their place. They’re blooming in abundance.

A closeup of three white daffodils.
I think this is the most I’ve seen my white daffodils blooming.

Given it’s supposed to be in the 90s on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, I need to enjoy them before the heat gets them.

Planning Ephemera

We got a late start on planning the garden and started all the plants on Saturday, which is late for almost everything we’re planting.

a simple line drawing of a garden plan, with letter indicating plants.
BR is for BRoccoli, T is for Tomato, E is for Eggplant

We may end up with a late harvest on some of these things or need to supplement with purchased plants. This was done on the back of a page of notes, which included this kitten drawn on a tea stain left by some idiot (me) plopping their used teabag on the steno pad we take random notes on. (oops.)

Cat in pen and tea stain.

It’s really hard to think about planning the garden when the days continue to struggle to get into the 50s F.

It’s not just for tennis players.

I’m super close to finished with my Lavender Zig-Zag sweater, but I’ve got to put it up for a little bit. I’ve got myself a lousy case of tennis elbow in my right arm and I’ve got to avoid overdoing it for a couple of weeks while I heal back up.

Zig-Zag Lace, lurking

Things I’m not currently supposed to do:

  • Crochet
  • Knit
  • Bike
  • Grip anything larger around than the circle made by touching my index finger to my thumb.
  • Grip anything smaller than the circle made by touching my index finger to my thumb.
  • Lift anything with my palm facing down.

I’m getting laser treatments, which seem to be helping, but I’ve still got at least two weeks before I’m supposed to return to full normal activity with my right arm.

Awkward Moments Day – 2022 ?

Remember that time you enthusiastically waved at your friend but soon realized that they were a complete stranger? What about the time when that incy-wincy pebble tripped you in front of all of your classmates? For some  of us, it feels like these awkward moments come looking for us.

My mom shrieks like a child when she’s startled. Some time back, when cellphones weren’t really common, I caught a glimpse of her unexpectedly at Walmart. Today, I’d just text her and tell her I was in Walmart, too. I was in my 20s, though, and figured I’d sneak up on her hug her for the giggle of her shrieking about it.

Now, I should have had some pause about this and not just because giving your mom a heart attack for the Lulz is kind of rude. For years, my mom has had close friends come up to her and give her crap for not saying hi when they saw her out and about. It always happened when Mom hadn’t been anywhere near where the alleged incident happened and she had an alibi to prove it.

Mom called this mystery doppelganger her evil twin and chalked it up to people not really paying attention when they were out and about. I really didn’t think about it much, other than when people were telling Mom they’d seen her twin again.

I should have been thinking about that.

Just as I was about to pounce, the person in front of me turned just enough that I could see that it wasn’t actually my mom. It was Mom’s doppleganger and I almost bear-hugged them in the middle of Walmart. ?

Happy Awkward Moments Day! May your day be blissfully free of new awkward happenings.

5 ways to eat more vegetables

It’s St. Patrick’s day and my family has Irish heritage. Since I’m probably not going to get out to celebrate the wearin’ of the green since it’s the middle of the week, the least I can do is some eating of the green.

“Eat more vegetables” goal is high on my list. It’s not always easy. I work full-time at my day job and I’m always trying to carve out more time to write, so I do things to make it easier on myself.

Close up of baby bok choi cabbage.
Bok choi makes a great substitute for a head of cabbage in colcannon.
Just sayin’

Cook at home.

It’s easier to add more vegetables to your meals when you’re in control of every aspect of meal production.

Plan your meals before you go to the grocery store.

The circulars with the specials in them come out on Wednesdays in my area, so I make sure to sit down and do my meal planning on Wednesday or Thursday evening, before heading out to the grocery store. I look for any veggies on sale and try to plan meals around them.

We also have the good fortune to have an Aldi nearby, so we shop there. The produce is generally good and it’s well priced.

Clean and chop any vegetables that you’re going to need for recipes for the week ahead.

I try to do this on Sunday. Sometimes the weekend gets away from me and I end up doing it Monday night as part of Monday night’s meal preparation.

It’s harder to make an excuse to not use veggies when they’re already cut up and ready to use.

Precut bok choi, red peppers, and purple onions, ready for mid week meal making.
These colors make me happy.

Don’t have time to prep veggies? Check out the frozen veg.

There are all kinds of frozen vegetables on the market. The store brands are very often the same quality as the name brand products, or even better. Throw them in a soup or just warm them up for a quick side dish.

Snack on vegetables

Mamá kept carrot sticks in the fridge for snacks. I’ve started doing the same thing myself.

Lavender Zig-Zags

I am not fashionable. I read fashion blogs and my Instagram feed is full of fashionistas.

When I was young, I’d pour over the pages of magazines: Cosmo, Elle, Seventeen, Vogue – anything I could beg or borrow. Back then, I thought if I did I could crack the code I could learn to look like, well, a normal person, and then maybe I could camouflage all the awkward mannerisms and hide the embarrassing things that I liked (like aliens and monsters) that apparently made me too much of a dweeb to have friends.

It didn’t though.

I never had the grace or beauty that goes with models or the effortless sense of style that some people come by naturally. Some people just seem to know how to put an outfit together or what to do with their hair and make-up.

I like what I like and I used to believe that what I like made me all wrong because it didn’t fit the mold.

Handmade, upcycled, or generally unique pieces speak to me. So do black, very dark shades of gray, and dusty earthy tones. Dressing’s about expressing yourself. It’s art that you wear, whether it’s just your favorite kicks and a tracksuit or the latest designer original.

When I was a kid, I wanted to emulate those around me to fit in, but when you get right down to it both frilly dresses and strict business formal both feel the same way to me: Like I’m cosplaying someone else.

If I’m being honest, full Goth attire feels that way to me, too. I’m a bit more Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Auntie-core and quite a lot less Lydia Deets straight out goth, at least as I’ve gotten older.

Simple, practical clothes are most comfortable for me. Give me jeans and a tee-shirt, and maybe a sweater if it’s cold, and I’m happy, as long as it can go with me from the convention hall, down to the river, on the bike, or out to my garden. I’m pretty much the little artsy geek girl next door, and I’m good with myself just the way I am.

There’s something that keeps me trying to keep at least a veneer of “normal” on my clothes, mostly because it’s easier to dress and go if I mostly don’t have to think about whether or not a shirt is appropriate to where I’m going. Pay no attention to the skull necklace and spiked earrings I’m wearing; Look at the french blue polo and the nice black cardigan.

Still, sometimes it’s nice when what I like also turns out to be stylish. I’ve been positively giddy about the current trend for crocheted things, and that lavender has come back on-trend.

I can work with that.

Close up of crochet stitches in lavender colored cotton yarn, in a geometric lace pattern.
Lavender? Yes.
Crochet lace? Yes!
Practical for summer? Well, I guess we’ll find out.

Bad Latin Romance

Since the 1991 Addams Family movie came out, I’ve toyed with getting the Addams family motto tattoed along the ulnar edge of my right arm. At some point I added getting the Sto Helit family motto on my left ulnar edge to match.

I’ve talked myself out of it each time, not because I don’t want a second tattoo, but because I’m not sure I’m committed to having fake Latin where everyone can see it.

Morticia: As an Addams, you understand completely, don’t you?
Fester: As an Addams, yes, I do.

And our credo, “Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”…”We gladly feast on those who would subdue us”. Not just pretty words.

Morticia Addams, The Addams Family, 1991

If the Addams credo, “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us” was actually translated into Latin it would be more like 

Eis libenter epulamur qui nos domare velint.

That said, it’s about as accurate as most ‘Latin’ credos from the middle ages, so the original has that going for it.

Likewise, author Sir Terry Pratchet calls out the Sto Helit motto of “fear not the reaper” as

Non Timetus Messor

Hogfather, Terry Pratchet

But when he was knighted in 2009, the motto given to him was the more gramatically correct

Noli Timere Messorem

So what’s a person to do? Go with the bad Latin so the fans of both will recognize the inspiration or go with the correct Latin so future archeologists who find my mortal remains will know that I knew better?

Blue Moon

A close up view of the start of a crocheted lace shawl in a rich golden brown color with a sparkly snowball progress keeper.
I hope blocking does it’s magic this time.

It feels like forever since I started a project. This one is called Blue Moon (link to designer’s website) and was part of a crochet along in November.

I’m using two skeins of Knitcircus Trampoline held doubled. The colorway is called Mischief Managed (discontinued), which I bought because it reminded me of the colors in Van Gogh’s The Starry Night. I’d recommend the colorway Christopher Robin as a very similar substitute.

Other women: I love fall. The changing leaves. The brisk weather. The pumpkins.

Me: The bats. The cobwebs. The cute spider decorations. The creatures lurking in the mist.

Other women. …

Me: What?

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