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Sabrina is a native Iowan living in a pale grayish house with a backyard that borders on urban woodlands. She shares the home with her roommate, an oversize labradoodle, and three cats who think they own the place. The humans in the house believe the cats are wrong but currently cannot offer any substantial proof to the contrary.
Sabrina enjoys a good zombie flick, though she understands that good is sometimes a relative judgment. She has resigned herself to whatever apocalypse potentially awaits since everyone agrees some Armageddon is nigh. She’s hoping it’s a slow zombie apocalypse and not those abomination fast zombies, but she remains open to a variety of dystopian futures as long as it’s not “The United States Starts World Wide Nuclear War.”
Skhoot Studio is where she writes, mostly fiction, but sometimes non-fiction, too. She even manages to find time to knit and crochet, but mostly she’s trying to keep from curating a yarn museum in a spare closet in her house.
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